
Table of contents

  1. Syllabus
  2. Schedule

I cannot stress enough that consideration is available for any health or extenuating circumstance that you experience this quarter. Please reach out to me at any time for any reason. Consideration includes but is not limited to individually modified due dates. In other words, do not let this course take priority over your health.

Below is our tentative schedule. It is subject to change, but any changes will be reflected here and on Canvas.

Weekly Schedule

Week 1

  • Introduction to the course (Syllabus, Canvas, Website)
  • Cloud computing and distributed file systems

Week 2

  • Distributed computing at the command line

Week 3

  • Setting up a web service for data availability

Week 4

  • Language extensions for distributed computing

Week 5

  • When old models of computing fail: Hadoop

Week 6

  • What was wrong with Hadoop?: Spark RDDs and complex multi-pass algorithms

Week 7

  • Spark SQL

Week 8

  • What is NoSQL?: Riak and Redis

Week 9

  • More on NoSQL: MongoDB

Week 10

  • Reserved for deeper dive and project related time